
Current Showing Name
Western Nuclear Mine; Hanson Lake Mine; Parrex Syndicate Trust 3 Showing
Historical Showing Names
Western Nuclear Mine; Hanson Lake Mine; Parrex Syndicate Trust 3 Showing
Company Name
Project Name
UTM Easting (NAD83 Z13)
UTM Northing (NAD83 Z13)
NTS Sheet
TRM (Township-Range-Meridian)
Primary Commodities
Associated Commodities
Copper, Gold, Silver, Zinc
Discovery Type
Deposit: Post-Production
Geological Details
The Hanson Lake Mine (or the Parrex Mining Syndicate Trust Showing 3) is located under Hanson Lake 200 m (656.2 ft) east of the west shore of Mine Bay. The deposit proper is located under the lake slightly east of the west shore of the lake. The deposit is hosted within northerly trending, easterly dipping and east facing Aphebian felsic to mafic volcanics of the Hanson Block. The volcanics have been intruded by rocks of felsic to ultramafic composition that have been metamorphosed to lower amphibolite facies. The ore section is within a suite of rocks that from west to east would show: dacite, tuff, quartz-feldspar porphyry, tuff, quartz-feldspar-sericite-fuchsite schist with minor sulphides (over 10 to 15 ft or 3 to 4.6 m), massive sulphides (over 7 to 10 ft or 2.1 to 4.6 m), tuff and dacite. The host fuchsite-containing schists are an altered and gradational facies of the 30 to 75 m (98.4 to 246.1 ft) thick hanging and foot wall flow-banded dacite tuffs. The ore occurs as five individual lenses with sharp contacts against the intermediate metasomatized volcanic (to the west) and rhyolite porphyry (to the east) wall rocks. The individual lenses occur along a zone of shearing that cuts a 100 to 250 ft (30.5 to 76.2 m) wide band of schist (rich in fuchsite) schist that is interlayered between dacitic tuffs and intruded by a sill-like body of quartz-feldspar porphyry. The larger faults and shear zones in the immediate area parallel the regional formation strike. The deposit forms a ribbon-like nearly vertical orebody that subcrops on the lake bottom, dips steeply and plunges 12°N over a strike length of 1500 ft (550 m), a width of from 0 to 30 ft (0 to 9.1 m) and a depth of 164 to 393.7 ft (50 to 120 m). The deposit consists of a series of five massive sulphide lenses (2 to 3 m or 6.6 to 9.8 ft thick) and overlying (?) sulphide 'stringer zones' (3 to 5 m or 9.8 to 16.4 m thick). The deposit mineralization consists of pyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite. The individual massive sulphide lenses, that comprise the deposit, are formed by massive, fine-grained sphalerite and galena with associated minor amounts of pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, argentite, gold, arsenopyrite and tetrahedrite. The 'stringer zone' is formed by disseminations and irregular cross-cutting veinlets of the above mentioned sulphides. The gangue minerals include sericite, fuchsite, biotite, chlorite and garnet. Byers (1957) reported that chloritic alteration (actinolite and biotite altered to chlorite) extended up to 7.5 m (24.6 ft) into the wallrock from the ore. Coleman et al (1970) reported the metasomatism of the footwall volcanics.
Geological Domain
Flin Flon
Host Rocks
Host Minerals
Exploration History
8/8/1988 During 1956 to 1957, 1200 claims were obtained by Parrex Mining Syndicate (Trust) near the southwest shore of Hanson Lake through staking. These included most of the ground formerly held by Hudson Bay Exploration and Development Co. Ltd. Initial exploration consisted of an airborne magnetic and electromagnetic survey of the ground not covered by previous ground geophysical work carried out in 1953 by Hudson Bay. Several conductive zones outlined by the airborne geophysical survey were checked by ground geophysical work and diamond drilling was carried out on a zone beneath Hanson Lake about 600 ft (182.9 m) east of the shore between Bertrum and McIlvenna Bay. All except 18 claims (the PAR group) of the original property were allowed to lapse. In December 1957, the PAR group was acquired by Hanson Mines Ltd. These holdings were further augmented in 1959 by the staking of an additional 53 claims in the area which were known as the VIC group. Between the period 1957 to 1960, 30 diamond drill holes aggregating 17,275 ft were completed on the property. This total includes 18 holes aggregating 9445 ft drilled by the Parrex Mining Syndicate in 1957 on the mineralized zone, 6 holes put down in 1958 to test the same zone at greater depth, 2 holes put down on the PAR group and 4 holes on the VIC claims in 1959. This work explored the mineralized shear along a strike length of 1800 ft. This diamond drilling tested the orebody about 800 ft (243.8 m) along strike between the 175 ft and 400 ft horizons. Early in 1965, Share Mines and Oils Ltd. purchased the property from Hanson Mines Limited and undertook a diamond drill program to confirm reserves previously outlined. The program was successful in lengthening the orebody to 1475 feet and increasing the reserves to the figures given above. In October 1965 Share announced that an agreement had been reached with Western Nuclear Inc. for financing required to bring the property into production. Through this agreement Western Nuclear would acquire a 50% interest in the PAR group. Late in 1965, a 6.5 mile access road was completed to the property from the Hanson Lake Highway and the collar of the shaft completed. Actual shaft sinking operations began in May, 1966 and by the end of September, the shaft had been completed to a depth of 672 feet (204.8 m). The shaft is located on the mainland about 600 feet (182.9 m) to the west of the projection of the ore zone (see Plate 1, Rept. 10, SRC, 1970). Shipments of Cu-Zn and Pb-Zn concentrates to Flin Flon for processing began 5 June 1967. Results of the first months of operation were dissapointing and milling was suspended in December of 1967. Underground development continued. In June 1968, milling and concentration shipment resumed. Operations continued until July 1969. At this time, all work ceased due to exhaustion of ore. In 1983, SMDC completed an airborne INPUT and magnetic survey that covered the showing area (AF 63L10-0092). In 1984, Cameco optioned the property from Share Mines and Oils Ltd. and Western Nuclear Mines. Cameco geologically mapped and prospected the property and completed soil and rock sampling (AF 63L10-0095). In 1986, SMDC flew an INPUT amd magnetic survey that covered the showing (AF 63L10-0101). The option was dropped in 1987. In 1999, Phelps Dodge Corporation and Share Mines and Oils optioned ML 5056 to Global Link Capital Corporation. They flew an airborne radiomentric survey and completed follow-up radiometric and EM surveys and lake sediment sampling (AF 63L10-0137). One of the lake sediment anomalies correlated with the northern extension of the mined out deposit. On 14 April 2000, Bell Resources Corporation announced that they had acquired an 85% interest in the property which covers the mine site. In 2000, M'Ore Exploration detail geologically mapped and rock sampled the area between the Hanson Lake Mine site and the South Bay Zone (AF 63L09-0139).
Production History
Production Period: 1969-01-01 to 1969-12-31 Western Nuclear Mine 59,718.00 tons Shaft sinking (205 m) commenced in May of 1966 approximately 10 m (32.8 ft) from the edge of the lake. Concentrate shipments to Flin Flon commenced 5 June 1967 and were suspended in December of 1967 due to poor results. Milling and concentrate shipping started again in June of 1968 and continued until the ore was exhausted in July of 1969. Summary: - Copper: 554,660.00 lb @ 0.57 % - Gold: 655.00 oz - Lead: 5,877,520.00 lb @ 6.01 % - Silver: 186,201.00 oz - Zinc: 10,677,240.00 lb @ 10.42 % Production Period: 1968-01-01 to 1968-12-31 Western Nuclear Mine 60,789.00 tons Summary: - Copper: 558,481.00 lb @ 0.48 % - Gold: 255.00 oz - Lead: 5,810,695.00 lb @ 6.32 % - Silver: 191,488.00 oz @ 2.89 oz/ton - Zinc: 8,592,000.00 lb @ 10.89 % Production Period: 1967-06-01 to 1967-12-31 Western Nuclear Mine 41,898.00 tons Concentrate shipments to Flin Flon commenced 5 June 1967 and were suspended in December of 1967 due to poor results. Summary: - Copper: 51,896.00 lb @ 0.46 % - Gold: 75.00 oz - Lead: 520,453.00 lb @ 4.85 % - Silver: 1,392.00 oz @ 5.25 oz/ton - Zinc: 1,976,252.00 lb @ 8.11 % Production Period: 1967-01-01 to 1969-12-31 162,405.00 tons WESTERN NUCLEAR MINE PRODUCTION FIGURES _____________________________________________________________________________ ORE PCT PCT PCT O/TON PRODUCTION MINED ZN PB CU AG LBS CU LBS ZN PBS PB OZ AG OZ AU ____________________________________________________________________________ 1967 41,898 8.11 4.85 0.46 5.25 51,896 1,976,252 520,453 1,392 75 1968 60,789 10.89 6.32 0.48 2.89 558,481 8,592,000 5,810,695 191,488 255 1969 59,718 10.42 6.01 0.57 ---- 554,660 10,677,240 5,877,520 186,201 655 ____________________________________________________________________________ TTL 162,405 9.99 5.83 0.51 4.00 1,165,037 21,245,492 12,208,668 378,901 985 Summary: - Copper: 1,165,037.00 lb @ 0.51 % - Gold: 985.00 oz - Lead: 12,208,668.00 lb @ 5.83 % - Silver: 378,901.00 oz @ 4.00 % - Zinc: 21,245,492.00 lb @ 9.99 %
Reserves and/or Resources
1965-01-01 Western Nuclear Indicated reserves: - 293,000 tons with mineable reserves of 253,000 tons grading 0.031 oz/ton Au, 4.47 oz/ton Ag, 0.61% Cu 8.08% Pb, and 11.42% Zn to a depth of 600 ft (182.8 m) over an average mining width of 7.5 ft (2.29 m). Summary: Historic reserve (unspecified) of 253,000.00 ton - - Copper @ 0.61 % - Gold @ 0.031 oz/ton - Lead @ 8.08 % - Silver @ 4.47 oz/ton - Zinc @ 11.42 % Historic indicated resource of 293,000.00 ton - Copper @ 0.61 % - Gold @ 0.031 oz/ton - Lead @ 8.08 % - Silver @ 4.47 oz/ton - Zinc @ 11.42 % 1957-01-01 125,000 tons grading 12.66% Zn, 8.17% Pb 0.64% Cu, 3.30 oz/ton Ag, 0.018 oz/ton Ag and minor Cd. Summary: Historic reserve (unspecified) of 125,000.00 ton - Cadmium - Copper @ 0.64 % - Lead @ 8.17 % - Silver @ 0.018 oz/ton - Silver @ 3.3 oz/ton - Zinc @ 12.66 %