
Current Showing Name
Vee Lake Uraniferous Pegmatites
Historical Showing Names
Vee Lake Uraniferous Pegmatites
Company Name
Project Name
UTM Easting (NAD83 Z13)
UTM Northing (NAD83 Z13)
NTS Sheet
TRM (Township-Range-Meridian)
Primary Commodities
Associated Commodities
Iron, Molybdenum
Discovery Type
Outcrop grab
Occurrence: Primary Exploration
Geological Details
The showing is exposed in 5 trenches which are located on the south shore of Vee Lake at the west end of the lake. The area of the showing is underlain by a narrow band of highly contorted, migmatitic, garnetiferous biotite gneiss and biotite gneiss, intruded by white quartz-rich pegmatites, in contact with a granite gneiss to the south a few hundred feet. The granite represents the Archean basement overlain by Aphebian pelitic metasediments of the Wollaston Belt. The showing mineralization consists of yellow uranium stain along two fracture sets (040°/51°SE and 140°/90°) and associated with biotite rich layers and masses throughout the pegmatite. Small grains and masses of pitchblende occur throughout the pegmatite. Small blebs of molybdenite and disseminated pyrite were noted in the pegmatite, and pyrite in the pelitic metasediments, especially near the igneous contact. The drill holes intersected minor (less than 1% ) MoS2. Visible uranium stain was noted in outcrop at the southwestern end of Vee Lake, over a strike length of 200 to 250 ft (61.0 to 76.2 m). One trench was blasted and gave samples assaying 1.02%, 1.70%, 2.01%, 0.113% and 0.21% U3O8. One hand sample (number R69-13) returned 1.02% U3O8 and 0.172% MoS2. Two holes were drilled and four trenches were blasted in 1970. No mineralization was detected in the drill holes but the trenches returned the following values: Trench 1, 0.130% U3O8, 0.052% MoS2; Trench 2, 0.042% U3O8; Trench 3, 0.040% U3O8; Trench 4, 0.306% U3O8. Assays for thorium were negative and no mineralization was detected in the drill holes. In 1977, Denison re-sampled the showing north-south trench and had the following values returned: SAMPLE PCT PCT NUMBER U3O8 ThO2 __________________________ 301 0.300 0.04 302 0.044 0.01 303 0.220 0.03
Geological Domain
Host Rocks
Host Minerals
Molybdenite, Pyrite
Exploration History
9/12/1988 In 1969, the Great Plains Development Co. of Canada Ltd. conducted an airborne radiometric and follow-up ground prospecting survey of its Permit No. 9 in the Upper Foster Lake area. Visible uranium stain was noted in outcrop at the southwestern end of Vee Lake, 4.4 miles (7.1 km) north of Craig Bay, Upper Foster Lake. One trench was blasted and returned the values listed above. In 1970, EM and further radiometric prospecting surveys were reported as well as the drilling of two holes totalling 256 ft (78.0 m). Four trenches were blasted as well and gave the values listed above. No further work was reported in the area until 1977 when Denison Mines Ltd. drilled four holes between Vee and Pegmatite Lakes. No radioactivity was encountered, however, the airborne EM anomaly was identified as being due to graphitic schist. By 1977, Denison Mines Ltd. had staked the showing area as CBS 4581. In this year, Denison cut a grid over the Vee showings and geologically mapped, prospected and grab sampled the showings and ran a VLF-EM survey over the grid (AF 74A14-0023). In the winter of 1978, radem VLF and shootback HLEM surveys were completed on the showing grid (AF 74A14-0031). In 1979, Denison drilled 14 holes in the western channel of Vee Lake (AF 74A14-0033).
Production History
Reserves and/or Resources