
Current Showing Name
Rath (South) Uraniferous Pegmatite, Ballantyne (North) Uraniferous Pegmatite
Historical Showing Names
Rath (South) Uraniferous Pegmatite, Ballantyne (North) Uraniferous Pegmatite
Company Name
Project Name
UTM Easting (NAD83 Z13)
UTM Northing (NAD83 Z13)
NTS Sheet
TRM (Township-Range-Meridian)
Primary Commodities
Associated Commodities
Graphite, Iron, Molybdenum, Thorium
Discovery Type
Outcrop grab
Occurrence: Primary Exploration
Geological Details
The area of the showing is underlain by a narrow north-trending band of Wollaston Group metasedimentary garnetiferous biotite gneiss (graphitic psammite to psammopelite) cut by lit-par-lit, highly contorted, garnetiferous quartz-rich biotite pegmatite. Disseminated pyrite and graphite were noted in the surrounding metasediments. The showing is made up of two anomalous outcrops located 0.25 miles (0.4 km) apart. The northern outcrop, labelled the Ballantyne Pegmatite, consists of an exposure of highly contorted, medium to coarse-grained, hornblende-rich pegmatite containing remnant inclusions of biotite gneiss, often as biotite-rich remnant layers. Five anomalous areas were outlined; four were associated with the biotite rich layers and the fifth was associated with joints or fractures at the pegmatite-metasediment contact. Yellow uranium stain was noted on fracture surfaces along with disseminated pyrite and molybdenite. One assay gave 1.57% U3O8. The showing is similar to the Vee Lake Occurrence. In 1970, four trenches were blasted on the Ballantyne Showing. Trench samples returned the following values: Trench % U3O8 % ThO2 % MoS2 ______________________________ 1 0.224 trace 0.30 2 0.91 0.06 0.034 3 0.257 nd ----- The Rath (South) Pegmatite is an exposure of coarse-grained pink pegmatite which exhibits yellow uranium stain and minor pyrite-molybdenite mineralization along fracture surfaces. The highest radioactivity was noted along the contact between a remnant of well foliated biotite gneiss and the true pegmatite phase. The biotite gneiss is completely incorporated into the pegmatite. One sample, taken at the Rath Pegmatite, assayed 1.22% U3O8 and 0.47% ThO2.
Geological Domain
Host Rocks
Host Minerals
Molybdenite, Pyrite
Exploration History
9/12/1988 In 1969, the Great Plains Development Co. of Canada Ltd. conducted an airborne radiometric survey over its Permit No. 9. Follow-up ground surveys were conducted later the same year to check anomalous areas. One such area, on the west shore of Pegmatite Lake, contains the two outcrops discussed above. Four trenches were blasted on the north showing in 1970 and the assays listed above were returned. EM, refraction seismic, geological mapping, radon and radiometric prospectiing surveys were reported in the area during 1970 to 1971. By 1977, Denison Mines Ltd. had staked the showing area as CBS 4581. In this year, Denison Mines completed geological mapping, prospecting and grab sampling over the showing (AF 74A14-0023). In the winter of 1978, ground Radem VLF and shootback HLEM surveys were completed over the showing grid (AF 74A14-0031). In 1979, Denison drilled three holes near the west shore of Pegmatite Lake to test geophysical conductors (AF 74A14-0033).
Production History
Reserves and/or Resources