
Current Showing Name
North Pipe Lake Uranium Showing
Historical Showing Names
North Pipe Lake Uranium Showing
Company Name
Project Name
UTM Easting (NAD83 Z13)
UTM Northing (NAD83 Z13)
NTS Sheet
TRM (Township-Range-Meridian)
Primary Commodities
Associated Commodities
Iron, Scapolite, Thorium
Discovery Type
Occurrence: Primary Exploration
Geological Details
The North Pipe Lake Showing is exposed in two trenches that are located 390 m (0.24 mile) northwest of the southwest end of North Pipe Lake. H. Tran and G. Yeo mapped the area immediately west of Pipe Lake as bring underlain by white to pink, medium-grained to pegmatitic, massive to weakly foliated peraluminous granite and granite pegmatite (unit 20). To the west, the pegmatite contacts with pink to green to grey, fine- to coarse grained Wollaston Group arkose and calc-silicate bearing arkose. The showing is composed of uranium mineralization occurring as secondary yellow uranium staining and pitchblende in small amorphous masses incorporated in large, well-formed hornblende phenocrysts and in shallow dipping joints (140°/20°SW) near the intersection of a more prominent joint set in a highly contorted calcareous hornblende-rich pegmatite which intrudes gossan stained, well foliated biotite gneiss. Minor thucolite, pyrite, pyrrhotite and iron oxides were also noted. The pegmatite contains veins of scapolite replacing plagioclase and is possibly derived from a skarn. The showing is located approximately 0.5 miles (0.8 km) west of the Aphebian metasediment-Archean granite contact. Two trenches were blasted and returned assays of 1.16% U3O8 and 8.00% U3O8, 2.00% ThO2 (this result from a high grade sample). In 1977, Denison took a grab sample (number 257) from the most easterly trench which returned 8.0% U3O8.
Geological Domain
Host Rocks
Host Minerals
Exploration History
9/12/1988 In 1969, the Great Plains Development Company of Canada Ltd. conducted an airborne radiometric survey over its Permit No. 9 in the Upper Foster Lake area. Follow-up ground prospecting of anomalies outlined a small pitchblende occurrence 0.45 miles (0.7 km) west of the central western shore of the north half of Pipe Lake. Trenches were blasted and returned the results listed above. By 1977, Denison Mines Ltd. had staked the showing area as CBS 4580. In this year, Denison completed reconnaissance geological mapping and prospecting which covered the showing (AF 74A14-0023). In 1978, Denison completed magnetic, Radem VLF and shootback HLEM and VLEM surveys on the showing grid (AF 74A14-0031). In 1979, Denison drilled a vertical hole in the centre of North Pipe Lake, and encountered no radioactivity (AF 74A14-0041).
Production History
Reserves and/or Resources