
Current Showing Name
Dufferin Lake Uranium Zone
Historical Showing Names
Dufferin Lake Uranium Zone
Company Name
Project Name
UTM Easting (NAD83 Z13)
UTM Northing (NAD83 Z13)
NTS Sheet
TRM (Township-Range-Meridian)
Primary Commodities
Associated Commodities
Cobalt, Copper, Graphite, Lead, Nickel
Discovery Type
Prospect: Primary Exploration
Geological Details
The showing, which was initially discovered by hole DF-20, was initially tested by four closely spaced follow-up diamond drill holes. They all encountered anomalous uranium concentrations. The area underlying the vicinity of the drill holes was mapped in 1977 by Gilboy and Ramaekers as lying within the Athabasca Basin. Few outcrops are present in the area but those that have been noted consist mainly of Athabasca sandstone of variable grainsize. The showing consists of five closely spaced drill holes that exhibit anomalous uranium occurs, at several intervals in each hole, within the Athabasca sandstone portion of the holes. A brief description of the most highly anomalous intervals as well as the accompanying lithology is given below. HOLE DEPTH LITHOLOGY PPM PPM PPM NUMBER (FT) U3O8 NI CO _____________________________________________________________________________ DF-20-1122.0 Athabasca sandstone (1058 ppm U over 13.1 ft) 1058 --- -- DF-22-902.5 Coarse-grained sandstone: heavily bleached by 3600 130 37 sooty material DF-23-238.8 2 inch section of vein type pitchblende within 1.00% 63 16 Athabasca sandstone -278.8 Athabasca sandstone 1000 35 11 -281.5 Athabasca sandstone: progressive coarsening of grain 680 30 9 -281.7 size: bimodal grain distribution, conglomerate 840 30 11 -282.4 horizons more frequent, matrix varies 0-10% 560 33 14 varigated, mottled, speckled color due to variation in hematite content and matrix -359.6 fractured quartz in chlorite matrix 600 175 53 -360.2 tiny black grains in chloritic/hematitic matrix 980 155 55 DF-08-356.5 medium to coarse-grained sandstone; round to sub- 520 120 27 -359.6 angular quartz grains 694 400 76 DF-20-342.0 this section was logged as a major fault zone; 2320 155 25 -342.5 rocks of altered basement, Athabasca sandstone and 520 47 18 -343.0 fanglomerate with differing degrees of cataclasis: 1044 240 42 -343.5 generally greyish-green, fine- to medium-grained 744 330 30 -344.0 sandstone, locally brecciated and fractured: poorly 648 62 20 -344.8 consolidated horizons have highly chloritized 1720 385 73 -345.2 matrixes: other areas are highly silicified or 824 47 21 -345.5 hematized; limonite alteration interstitially and 640 28 15 -347.3 along fractures. 548 160 43 DF-60-313.7 5.0 m interval of sooty pitchblende, coffinite, and 818 2667 103 uraninite as sub-vertical fracture fillings in sst -356.5 0.1 m interval: dark green sst, clay 1295 ppm Pb 579 3771 125 -359.9 0.1 m interval: sooty pbe in green sst and clay 687 428 31 SW-03-1276.9 Sandstone: black oxide in fracture 1560 60 11 SW-07-1174.8 Athabasca Group Sandstone 0.09% 90 -- DRILLHOLE INTERSECTION WIDTH PPM PCT PPM PPM PPM PPM INTERSECTION NUMBER (M) (M) U3O8 U3O8 PB CU NI CO DESCRIPTION ____________________________________________________________________________ SW-9 434.6 - 434.7 0.1 10 ---- 22 2560 232 69 qtz-chl-ser sch 438.7 - 438.9 0.2 1 ---- 20 3780 177 61 qtz-chl-ser sch SW-10 359.0 - 362.0 3.0 1290 0.15 260 160 1560 135 Mfa - clay repl 367.4 - 368.0 0.6 940 0.11 32 99 5130 199 Mfa - clay repl SW-11 361.2 1,580 cps ---- --- ---- ---- --- Mfb sandstone 385.6 1,939 cps ---- --- ---- ---- --- Virgin R pelite SW-12 354.7 1,030 cps ---- --- ---- ---- --- Mfb sandstone SW-13 346.1 - 351.8 5.7 0.174% ---- --- ---- ---- --- brecciated Mfa 358.3 - 362.2 6.3 0.19% ---- --- ---- ---- --- perched min'ln 369.0 - 369.1 0.1 0.40% ---- --- ---- ---- --- pelite schist SW-15 339.4 913 cps ---- --- ---- ---- --- Mfd sandstone SW-16 350.6 2,449 cps ---- --- ---- ---- --- Mfb sandstone SW-17 355.1 - 367.4 ---- 0.065 --- ---- ---- --- Mfb & Mfa sst (inc) 357.7 7,269 cps ---- --- ---- ---- --- Mfa sandstone (inc) 365.5 - 366.0 0.5 750 cps ---- --- ---- ---- --- Mfa sandstone 368.0 - 368.5 0.4 400 cps ---- --- ---- ---- --- Mfa sandstone SW-18 354.0 - 354.5 0.5 400 cps ---- --- ---- ---- --- Mfa sandstone 355.8 - 362.0 6.2 ---- 0.41 --- ---- ---- --- Mfa and pelite (inc) 358.4 34,049 cps ---- --- ---- ---- --- Mfa sandstone The mineralization present is hosted within tectonized zones within highly altered, dark green to yellow green Manitou Falls Formation MFa sandstone and interbedded clay immediately above the unconformity. Within these zones, the sandstone has been brecciated, rehealed and silicified, and rebrecciated. Sandstone bedding is locally rotated and in drill hole DF-60, faulting has resulted in the hole cutting alternating blocks of clay-altered sandstone plus sand and silt with blocks of basement hematized and chloritized phyllite, strongly chloritized mylonite, and brecciated and sheared massive graphite. Sooty pitchblende occurs along with organic materials as fracture infillings. Fiberous coffinite and uraninite joint infillings occur as up to 3 mm (0.2 inches) thick veinlets and small aggregates which are surrounded by a sulphide rim which consists of pyrite-bravoite±minor chalcopyrite, minor siderite and galena, and occasional cobaltite, rammelsbergite, and gersdorffite. Uraninite also occurs as small inclusions within nodules of carbonaceous material (thucolite). A 2006 drill program. Historical assays listed for hole SW-010: 0.15% U3O8/3.0 m; SW-013: 0.19% U3O8/6.3 m; SW-018: 0.41% U3O8/6.2 m; and from a 2004 drill progam hole SW-019: 1.73% U3O8/6.5 m. Hole SW-022 (84/13 6371708 N, 338402 E) with 0.21% eU3O8/14.6 m from 357.1-371.7 m in Athabasca Gp. sandstone and Mudjatik basement and assays of 0.15% U3O8/5.0 m from 365-370 m and from 381.2-383.2 m, 0.14% U3O8/2.0 m in basement rocks. Hole SW-023 (6371651 N, 338321 E) analysis of 0.13% U3O8/12.0 m from 347-359 m in fracture zone in Athabasca sandstone. Hole SW-026 (6371689 N, 338412 E) analyses of 0.45% U3O8/7.5 m from 359-366.5 m with 1.46% U3O8/1.0 m from 360.5-361.5 m consisting of weakly disseminated and pervasive mineralization associated with limonite and grey to black sulphides in Athabasca Gp. immediately above the basal unconformity. Hole SW-28 (6371723 N, 338443 E) analysis of 0.17% U3O8/3.0 m from 365.5-368.5 m associated with finely disseminated pitchblende and fine-grained grey to black sulphides in the Athabasca Gp. Hole SW-030 (6371716 N, 338451 E) with fracture-controlled mineralization in the Athabasca Gp. with 0.52% U3O8/1.1 m from 365-366.1 m. The 2007 drill program results. Hole SW-031 (84/13 6371701 N, 338463 E) with probed 0.08% eU3O8/3.6 m from 362.8-366.4 m with 0.18% eU3O8/1.0 m from 365.1-366.1 m in the Athabasca Gp. Hole SW-032 (6371660 N, 338310 E) with analyses of 0.26% U3O8/12.4 m from 355-367.4 m with 1.4% U3O8/1.3 m from 358.4-359.7 m in the Athabasca Gp. just above the basal unconformity. Hole SW-034 (6371730 N, 338504 E) with probed 0.02% eU3O8/7.4 m from 366.2-373.6 and 0.02% eU3O8/3.2 m from 374.4-377.6 m in the Athabasca Gp. just above the basal unconformity. Hole SW-035 (6371739 N, 338492 E) with probed 0.02% eU3O8/1.4 m from 376.9-378.3 m at the basal unconformity. Hole SW-038 (6371627 N, 338264 E) with probed 0.02% eU3O8/1.1 m from 342.3-343.4 m and 0.11% eU3O8/14.7 m from 352.9-367.6 m. Hole SW-039 (6371230 N, 338472 E) with probed 0.02% eU3O8/1.2 m from 335.1-336.3 m; 0.02% eU3O8/1.2 m from 344-345.2 m; and 0.03% eU3O8/2.8 m from 347-349.8 m all in Athabasca Gp. A 2010 drill program. Hole SW-041 (84/13 6371599 N, 338177 E) with an analysis of 0.12% U3O8/2.3 m from 361.6-363.9 m in a breccia section in basal Athabasca Gp. Hole SW-042 (6373332 N, 339563 E) with probed 0.02% eU3O8/1.0 m from 436-437 m in basal Athabasca Gp.
Geological Domain
Host Rocks
Host Minerals
Exploration History
7/20/1989 As early as 16 December 1965, the area that the drill holes comprising the showing intersect was staked as part of International Nuclear Corporation Permit No. 2. In 1969, the company reported that it had undertaken an airborne geophysical survey, followed up by a geological investigation of anomalous areas and geophoto interpretation (AF 74G05-0007). No further exploration was reported and the permit lapsed 1 February 1971. The showing area was subsequently covered by Crown Reserve 614 but this came open prior to any work being done on it. As early as 16 July 1974, the showing area was covered by Inexco Special Agreement which was explored by Uranerz Exploration and Mining Ltd., SMDC and Eldor Mines Ltd. Work on the agreement began that same year by Uranerz who flew a helicopter-borne spectrometer survey and did geological reconnaissance of the disconformity in the area. As well, they did lake bottom sediment sampling and ran a grid magnetic survey (AF 74G05-0012). This was followed the next year by a program of diamond drilling, prospecting, and ground EM and magnetic surveying which continued on into 1976 (AF 74G05-0013). Intensive exploration by Uranerz in the general area of the showing began in 1976 with airborne magnetic surveys, prospecting, lake water and sediment sampling, bog sampling, and a ground magnetic survey (AF 74G05-0027). The program continued through 1977 and into 1978. Results were favourable and more exploration consisting of prospecting, diabase sampling, geological mapping, lake geochemistry, bog sampling and geobotanical sampling was done (AF 74G05-0028). Also that year an airborne EM (input) and magnetic survey (AF 74G05-0031) was flown over the area, which had now become MPP 1050. A track etch survey was begun, as well as depth sounding, prospecting, and ground magnetic and EM surveys which continued into the next year (AF 74G05-0033). The area was mapped by Ramaekers and Gilboy of the Saskatchewan Government in 1977; as well a reconnaissance geochemical survey was done over the area by C.E. Dunn of the Saskatchewan Geological Survey. In 1979, very intensive exploration consisting of geological mapping, biogeochemical sampling, helium soil gas and bore hole sampling, soil sampling and a ground radiometric survey was completed (AF 74G05-0034). As a result, diamond drill holes were sited and completed later that year (AF 74G05-0035). It was due to this drilling program that the initial holes comprising the showing were completed and logged. Complete drill hole logs are given in assessment file 74G05-0035. CBS 6700 was staked within MPP 1050 by the same group of companies. Exploration continued with biogeochemical sampling, a pulse EM survey, magnetotelluric and EM soundings, and density determinations from the core core samples (AF 74G05-0036). In 1980, two separate programs consisting of surficial geology, prospecting, lake water, sediment and ground water sampling, and geophysical surveys including VLF-EM, Turam, gravity, magnetic sand airborne radiometric (AF 74G05-0042) and a petrological study of the drill core (AF 74G05-0049) were completed. More prospecting, till sampling, trenching, ground geophysics and rock geochemistry from drill core (AF 74G05-0052) and diamond drilling (AF 74G05-0051). The CBS converted to ML 5371 on 16 July 1984 but lapsed 1 December 1986 with no work being reported by any of the holding companies. Uranerz Exploration staked CBS 8082 covering the showing two weeks later on 15 December 1986. Between 1987 and 1988, the partnership completed boulder sampling, lake water sampling, and ground EM-37 and magnetic surveys over the grid which covers the showing (AF 74G05-0058). Lithogeochemical and petrographic surveys were completed on the core from drill hole DF-20. Between 1989 and 1990, they completed further boulder sampling, ground TDEM and EM-37 surveys, and drill hole DF-60 in the immediate showing vicinity (AF 74G05-0059). Drill hole DF-60, which was completed 125 m (410.1 ft) southeast of drill hole DF-23, encountered anomalous uranium mineralization which is described above. On 22 February 1991, the partners re-staked the showing area as S-101679 (within CBS 8082). On 1 May 1991, CBS 8082 was allowed to lapse. On 1 May 1995, Uranerz Exploration and Mining staked the showing as S-104757. In 1997, Cameco (75%) and Uranerz (25%) completed a ground TDEM survey and boulder sampling which covered the showings and core reflectance spectroscopy measurements on DF-8, -20, and -60 (AF 74G05-0057). In 1998, a Cameco-Uranerz joint venture completed a Athabasca boulder sample and sandstone boulder reflectance spectroscopy measurement survey over the area of drilling on S-104757 (AF 74G05-0061). In 2000, a partnership involving Cameco (50%) and Cogema Resources Inc completed a sounding TEM survey over the claim which is owned 75% by UEM Inc and 25% by Cameco (AF 74G05-0062). In the same year, they completed outcrop and till sampling, ground gravity and magnetic surveys on the DL-2000 grid to outline the trace of the Dufferin Fault, re-analysed the core from existing drill holes, and anomaly drill holes SW-01 to SW-06 (AF 74G05-0063). This drill program failed to intersect significant uranium mineralization In 2001, a partnership involving Cameco and UEM Inc. completed an airborne gradiometer and magnetic survey, a ground pole-dipole resistivity survey, and a light hydrocarbon-in-soil survey that covered the showing and drill holes SW-07 to SW-10 on the showing (AF 74G05-0064). In 2002, Cameco, as operator, completed a ground TDEM survey, soil (MMI and light hydrocarbon ) sampling, and drill holes SW-11 to SW-15 on the property (AF 74G05-NE-0066). In 2003, they completed a ground TDEM survey that covered the showing (AF 74G12-SE-0038). In the same year, the partnership completed drill holes SW-016 to SW-018 on the Dufferin Lake Zone C conductor and they completed a study of existing drill holes SW-009 and DF-22 (AF 74G05-NE-0067). The better drill intersections are reported above.
Production History
Reserves and/or Resources