
Current Showing Name
Centennial Zone, Virgin River Project
Historical Showing Names
Centennial Zone, Virgin River Project
Company Name
Project Name
UTM Easting (NAD83 Z13)
UTM Northing (NAD83 Z13)
NTS Sheet
TRM (Township-Range-Meridian)
Primary Commodities
Associated Commodities
Discovery Type
Deposit: Advanced Exploration
Geological Details
The Centennial Deposit is located within the Athabasca Basin and is 220 km NE from Buffalo Narrows. The mineralization has a minimum strike length of 100 m and an across strike width of approximately 12 m. All of the high-grade intersections were located just above or slightly beneath the Athabasca/Virgin River Domain unconformity. The area is underlain by basement rocks of the Virgin River Domain. The Western portion of the domain is made up of Archean/Aphebian metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks. The Central and eastern portion of the domain is dominated by felsic gneiss with lesser supracrustal rocks. To the West, the Virgin River Domain is bounded by the Mudjatik Domain the contact of which is marked by the Cable Bay Shear Zone. To the East, the domain is bound by the Western Granulite Domain, the contact of which is marked by the Virgin River Shear Zone. A Hudsonian Intrusive, the Junction Granite is located to the southeast of the Virgin River shear zone. Further south are the Rimby Granites which are also interpreted to be related to the VR shear zone. Metamorphism in the area ranges from upper amphibolite to upper greenschist- retrograde metamorphism to greenschist facies is widespread. Four deformation events have been identified in the showing area. Small scale isoclinal folding (f1), followed by regional, NE-trending folding (f2) that controls outcrop patterns. Regional West-Northwest trending cross-folds (F3) were followed by migmatization and mylontization. The fourth deformation event is represented by small-scale banding and folding of mylonites. In the showing area, the Athabasca Group ranges from 800 to over 1000 m in thickness and consists solely of the Manitou Falls Formation. Five members have been recognized in the area (MFa,b,c,d and the informally recognized Mfd-a). MFa is characterized by interbedded quartz pebble conglomerate and variably sorted medium grained sandstone. Hematitic siltstone beds are common but minor component. Mfb is rarely present in the area, though consists of medium grained sandstone with poorly sorted, clast supported conglomeritic sandstone layers. MFc consists of medium to coarse grained sandstone with granulitic-pebble beds less than 2 cm thick. MFd- consists of medium to coarse grained sandstone with clay intraclasts. MFd-a is located above a thick layer of MFd sandstone and resembles the Lazenby Lake Formation. The unit is characterized by matrix supported quartz pebbles and soft sediment deformation features in a medium-coarse grained sandstone. No clay intraclasts are present. The area is overlain by unconsolidated Quaternary glacial and periglacial deposits 0-15 m thick.
Geological Domain
Host Rocks
Host Minerals
Exploration History
11/17/2009 1978- Denison Mines completed airborne radiometric and magnetic surveys. (AF 74G12-0007). Also completed prospecting, geological mapping and sediment sampling. (AF 74G12-0008) 1979- Prospecting, mapping, ground EM and radiometric surveys, sediment sampling conducted by Denison, SMDC and MegaMontan. 1980- Radon has surveys, sediment sampling, prospecting and ground geophysics conducted by Denison 1981-Denison completed a drilling program over the showing area (CBS 5072). (AF 74G12-0020) 1987-Lake sediment sampling was completed. CBS 5072 lapses in April 1987. 1994- Uranerz (operator) completes a boulder sampling program. 1995- Uranerz completed TEM surverys, surficial geology interpretation and boulder geochemistry over two permits (MP 1175 and MP 1176). The surveys identified 2 EM anomalies and 2 or 3 conductive trends. (AF 74G14-0012) 1996- Uranerz completed TDEM surveys and Boulder sampling over the showing area. (74G-0015) 1997- MPP 1175/1176 lapse. Virgin River Project consists of 5 claims (CBS 7791, 7792, 7793, 7794, 7795). Uranerz maintains 100% interest. Uranerz conducted TEM surveys and a drill program (# VR-01 & -02). (AF 74G12-0034). 1998- Uranerz completed airborne GEOTEM survey. 8 DDH were completed, all targeting the “c” conductive trend. Uranerz maintains a 98% interst in the prject, the othe 2% is held by Coronation Mines Ltd.(AF 74G-0016) 1999-UEM (operator Cameco) completed TEM surveys and successfully outlined 2 strong conductors in the area (C and E). 2 DDH completed, VR-11 to test the C conductor (maximum value of 312 cps) , and VR-12 to intersect highly anomalous uranium values in the sandstone (maximum value of 119 ppm U) 2000- UEM conducted a core petrographic study of existing drill holes, and drilled 3 additional holes (VR-13, 14 & 14W1). (AF-74G12-0036) 2002- UEM completed a program which consisted of core review/ resampling and diamond drilling (1 DDH) to continue testing the C conductor. Two mineralized zones were intersected. The first interval (845-847.6) returned assays of .11% U3O8 over 2.6m. The second interval, from 886.97-892 returned assays of .06% U3O8 over 5.03m. Lead, copper, boron and Nickel were also enriched (AF 74G12-0039). UEM also completed a drill program to test the moderately strong E conductor. (AF 74G11-0022) 2003- Moving Loop TDEM and Resistivity Surveys, Drill core review of 12 drillholes on UEM-owned property. An anomaly was identified cutting the C conductor. (AF 74G12-SE-0040) 2004-98% UEM Inc & 2% Formation Capital Corporation (Coronation Mines Ltd)- 2 holes are completed by Cameco (VH-017, 018 in addition to a small-scale light hydrocarbon soil survey. VR-017 intersected .0656% U3O8 over 2.5m (845-847.5m). DDH VR-018 (Centennial Discovery Hole) intersected perched mineralization at 2 intervals. The first interval (710.5-711.7m) returned assays of .28% U3O8 over 1.2 m with associated Nickel, Lead and Vanadium. The second interval, (752-763.8) returned assays of 1.00% U3O8 over 10.8m with associated lead and vanadium. (74G12-0042) 2005- Cameco completed an exploration program which included Ground Magnetic and EM Geophysical Surveying, geochemistry, quaternary mapping and a drill program designed to follow up the mineralization intersected in 2004. The best results were obtained in drillhole VR-018W2; 25.6% U3O8 over .5 meters. (AF 74G12-SE-0045). All of the high-grade intersections were located just above or slightly beneath the Athabasca/Virgin River Domain unconformity. 2008- Cameco completed a diamond drill program and 20.25 line-km of DC resistivity surveying. Significant mineralization was intersected in seven holes. VR-031W1 returned average assay of 7.62% U3O8 over 17.8 m, VR-033W1 returned average assay of 7.48% U3O8 over 17.9 m (.1% grade cut-off). Resistivity surveying was successful in defining the conductive graphitic pelitic basement east of the fault, the c (AF 74G12-0060). AF 74G12-0056 drill program. Hole VR-022 intersection of 0.71% U3O8/15.5 m from 778.7-794.2 m in fractured Athabasca Gp. sandstone. Hole VR-022W2 (wedge): 2.48% U3O8/19.2 m from 781-800.2 m at the basal unconformity. Hole VR-023: 0.78% U3O8/3.9 m from 811-814.8 m. Hole VR-024: 2.63% U3O8/7.2 m from 820.3-827.5 m. AF 74G12-0059 drill program. Hole VR-026: 0.33% U3O8/3.6 m from 739.7-743.3 m in Athabasca sandstone. Hole VR-027: 0.69% U3O8/15.7 m from 800.9-816.6 m immediately above the unconformity in Athabasca Gp. Hole VR-027W1 (wedge): 2.19% U3O8/10.8 m from 808-818.8 m in Athabasca Gp. immediately above the unconformity. Hole VR-027W2: 6.65% U3O8/20.2 m from 800.7-820.9 m at the unconformity. Hole VR-029: 0.46% U3O8/6.5 m from 796.5-803 m in basement immediately below the unconformity. Hole VR-029W1: 9.35% U3O8/5.0 m from 797-802 m at the unconformity. AF 74G12-0061 drill program. Hole VR-019W1 (wedge): 0.91% eU3O8/1.7 m from 641.7-643.4 m in the Athabasca Gp. Hole VR-027W3: 1.51% U3O8/9.9 m from 806.8-816.7 m in basal Athabasca Gp. Hole VR-027W4: 2.46% U3O8/32.2 m from 797-829.2 m at the unconformity. Hole VR-031W2: 4.46% U3O8/11.5 m from 794.5-806 m at the unconformity; and 1.51% U3o8/6.0 m from 811-817 m in the basement. Hole VR-031W3: 8.78% U3O8/33.9 m from 797-830.9 m immediately below the unconformity. Hole VR-031W4: 7.14% U3O8/12 m from 800-812 m at the unconformity. Hole VR-031W5: 4.58% U3O8/14.4 m from 803-817.4 m at the unconformity. Hole VR-036W3: 1.74% U3O8/7.9 m from 812.9-820.8 m at the unconformity. Hole VR-037W2: 1.63% U3O8/10.8 m from 785-795.8 m immediately below the unconformity. Hole VR-038W2: 3.98% U3O8/20.2 m from 823-843.2 m at the upper basement. Diamond drill program in 2010 (AF 74G12-0062) better intersections. Most are wedge holes from previous holes. Hole VR-019W2 (wedge) (NAD WGS 84/Zone 13, 6386001 N, 345567 E; 26 azimuth/ -88.6 inclination; 790.5 m unconformity depth (UC); 866 m end of hole (EOH)) with an intersection of 0.46% U3O8/2.8 m from 641.9-644.7 m in Athabasca sandstone. Hole VR-019W3 (84/13, 6386001 N, 345567 E; 330/-86.9; 790 m UC; 842 m EOH) with intersections of 0.27% U3O8/1.9 m from 647.1-649 m in Athabasca sandstone and 0.19% U3O8/1.5 m from 797.2-798.7 m associated with clay gouge in basement quartzite. Hole VR-026W1 (84/13, 6386507 N, 345765 E; 127/-88.8; 837.8 m UC; 879.4 m EOH) with intersections of 0.21% U3O8/6.2 m from 742.1-748.3 m in Athabasca sandstone and 0.10% U3O8/15.5 m from 842.5-858 m associated with a clay-altered fault zone in basement. Hole VR-029W2 (84/13, 6385963 N, 345516 E; 144/-88.7; 799.4 UC; 857 m EOH) with an intersection of 7.46% U3O8/13.2 m from 800.4-813.6 m below the UC associated with a clay-altered fault zone in quartzite. Hole VR-038W3 (84/13, 6386285 N, 345528 E; 100/-84.1; 830.9 m UC; 851 m EOH) with an intersection of 0.89% U3O8/9.1 m from 815-824.1 m in altered and fractured Athabasca sandstone. Hole VR-040W1 (84/13, 6385970 N, 345358 E; 112/-87.4; 812.8 m UC; 872.5 m EOH) with an intersection of 0.13% U3O8/1.5 m from 812.3-813.8 m straddling the UC in altered sandstone and basement. Hole VR-040W2 (84/13, 6385970 N, 345358 E; 121/-79.3; 820 m UC; 887 m EOH) with an intersection of 8.4% U3O8/9.0 m from 823-832 m below the UC in faulted quartzite. Hole VR-040W3 (84/13, 6385970 N, 345358 E; 110/-80; 825.2 m UC; 872 m EOH) with an intersection of 0.41% U3O8/1.5 m from 825.5-827 m below the UC in clay-altered semipelite. Hole VR-041W1 (84/13, 6386615 N, 345783 E; 132/-84.5; 851 m UC; 872.4 m EOH) with an intersection of 0.16% U3O8/8.6 m from 848.8-857.4 m straddling the UC and associated with faulting. Drill hole VR-042 (84/13, 6385983 N, 345764 E; 100/-86; 811.4 m UC; 896 m EOH) with an intersection of 0.38% U3O8/18.8 m from 790.4-809.2 m above the UC in altered, fractured and faulted sandstone. Hole VR-042W1 (84/13, 6385983 N, 345764 E; 130/-85.3; 819.2 m UC; 869 m EOH) with an intersection of 1.93% U3O8/8.3 m from 810.9-819.2 m immediately above the UC in clay-altered, faulted sandstone. Hole VR-042W4 (84/13, 6385983 N, 345764 E; 98/-85.6; 829.4 m UC; 914.4 m EOH) with an intersection of 0.15% U3O8/6.5 m from 811.9-818.4 m in clay-altered and fractured sandstone. Hole VR-044W1 (84/13, 6386615 N, 345790 E; 129/-80.9; 825.7 m UC; 902.4 m EOH) with an intersection of 1.05% U3O8/0.4 m from 832.2-832.6 m in clay/sericite altered, faulted quartzite. Drill program in 2011 (AF 74G12-0063) better intersections. Hole VR-042W5 (wedge hole) (NAD WGS 84/Zone 13, 6385983 N, 345764 E; 130 azimuth/-89 inclination; 811.2 m depth to unconformity (UC); 878 m end of hole (EOH) with an intersection of 2.23% U3O8/22 m from 790-812 m at and above the UC in clay-altered, fractured Athabasca sandstone. Hole VR-046 (84/13, 6386456 N, 345636 E; 160/-82; 828.6 m UC; 936.5 m EOH) with an intersection of 1.0% U3O8/24.8 m from 799.4-824.2 m in clay-altered and fractured sandstone. Hole VR-046W1 (84/13, 6386456 N, 345636 E; 175/-80.5; 830.8 m UC; 1073 m EOH) with an intersection of 1.73% U3O8/3.5 m from 821-824.5 m associated with clay-altered fractures, breccia and gouge in sandstone. Hole VR-046W2 (84/13, 6386456 N, 345636 E; 193/-83.3; 835 m UC; 910 m EOH) with intersections of 0.58% U3O8/5.0 m from 818.5-823.5 m and 0.93% U3O8 U3O8/1.5 m from 827.9-829.4 m associated with faulted, fractured and brecciated sandstone with drusy quartz. Hole VR-049 (84/13, 6386038 N, 345618 E; 100/-80; 825.5 m UC; 924.5 m EOH) with an intersection of 0.33% U3O8/44.6 m from 781-825.6 m at and above the UC associated with fractures, clay gouge and disseminations in sandstone. Hole VR-049W1 (84/13, 6386038 N, 345618 E; 107/-79.6; 826.6 m UC; 836 m EOH) with an intersection of 0.29% U3O8/41 m from 786-827 m in the same as VR-049. Hole VR-051 (84/13, 6387711 N, 346507 E; 90/-85; 858.3 m UC; 941 m EOH) with intersections of 0.59% U3O8/5.9 m from 822.5-828.4 m in altered, fractured sandstone and 0.27% U3O8/23.2 m from 857.8-881.9 m associated with a clay/sericite altered fault zone in basement quartzite.
Production History
Reserves and/or Resources